KileAutomatic LaTeX Equivalents for Spanish Accents

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Automatic LaTeX Equivalents for Spanish Accents

Post by Jueves89 »

Hi all,

I have been using Kile a lot of time on Debian, but now I have to use it on Windows 7 x64. On Debian, when I type an accent, Kile automatically inserts it as \´a when compiling it appears as "á". But now on Windows when I do the same, Kile inserts directly "á" and I don't like it, I prefer the other method because of compatibility.

I'm using Kile 2.1 with KDE 4.10.2, I have also tried with Kile 3 beta, in both cases with and without Spanish spelling package. I always have the option "Automatically insert the LaTeX equivalent of special characters when typing (accents, etc)" activated.

Wish someone can help me.

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Automatic LaTeX Equivalents for Spanish Accents

Post by localghost »

Jueves89 wrote:[…] But now on Windows when I do the same, Kile inserts directly "á" and I don't like it, I prefer the other method because of compatibility. […]
Looks to me like a bug. Try to contact the developers and ask them for help. But perhaps you should abandon this compatibility in favor of typesetting accents as Unicode characters in a modern way. With Kile you can easily search and replace the critical parts.

A Spanish document in which you can use accented characters can easily be set up in the following way.

Code: Select all


  á ñ
Finally you could also use Xe(La)TeX or Lua(La)LaTeX to typeset your documents. These typesetting engines support Unicode by default but need other document setups.

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Automatic LaTeX Equivalents for Spanish Accents

Post by Jueves89 »

I also think it may be a bug. I'll try to contact the developers as you say. If I have any answer I'll tell you.

My preamble looks like is.

Code: Select all


When compiling I always have good results. Accents and ñ always appear. It doesn't matter if I insert it as \'a or á.
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