There is no space between b and c. I have a very large document and I'm using this very often. I want to change the minimum distance between that kind of configuration globally.
I searched in some documentations and forums but I didn't find a solution.
\dfrac{a}{b} = 0\\
\dfrac{c}{d} = 0
\begin{array}{rl}%variable explanations
a & $this is an a$\\
b & $this in a b$\\
c & $this is a c$\\
d & $this is a d$
Try it once with and once without the advice and you will see what I mean: the array with explanation of variables changes too. That does not look good.
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\dfrac{a}{b} = 0\\
\dfrac{c}{d} = 0
\begin{array}{rl}%variable explanations
a & $this is an a$\\
b & $this in a b$\\
c & $this is a c$\\
d & $this is a d$
My best
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
It was not a solution. I want to change the minimum vertical distance between 2 characters. I do not want to stretch something. I will make a minimum example where your local solution does not work. Just wait some minutes/hours.
\dfrac{a}{b \cdot \dfrac{a}{b \cdot \dfrac{a}{b \cdot \dfrac{a}{b}}}}\\
\dfrac{a \cdot \dfrac{a \cdot \dfrac{a \cdot \dfrac{a}{b}}{b}}{b}}{b}\\
a = b
a & $this is an a$\\
b & $this in a b$\\
c & $this is a c$\\
d & $this is a d$
Michael7496 wrote:The people in this forum have no idea about LaTeX! I hate this forum!
Yes, we do. Most of the time at least!
The point is that obviously the question was not precise enough. If you only want to change the spacing between two lines the easiest would be to use the optional argument of \\: