OthersInlage under proxy

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Inlage under proxy

Post by anapaolabraga »


I'm having some headaches with Inlage 5, just because the wired network we have here is under proxy. I can’t even launch Inlage if I don’t borrow someone’s wireless adapter to connect to the visitor wireless network (the only one not behind proxy). If I try to connect under proxy, Inlage asks for my license number and then returns an error message. I’m getting sick of it.
Is there anything I can do to launch it offline or behind my proxy? The network administrator wouldn't even stop to listen to my complain.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Inlage under proxy

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Try to convince your admin. We cannot help you to break the network security if this is blocking you. You could ask the boss of the department who might instruct the network admin.

But, your post is offtopic here. So I will remove it after some time.

Hopefully we'll see LaTeX related post by you later. ;-)

LaTeX.org admin
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