My question is, now that I'm learning LaTeX for my CV - is that actually a good use case for LaTeX philosophically? Because CVs are completely non-standardized, and everyone essentially makes up their own formatting - would some consider that an abuse of LaTeX, since indeed, unlike say, just using an
class, I am forcing LaTeX to do a lot of hard-formatting, rather than letting it do it the formatting, which I feel is sort of defeating the point of using it?That said, I've used Word to do my CV historically, and using those tables, etc was just a disaster; altering it become impossible - that's what brought me to LaTeX to begin with.
To make my question more clear - for me, LaTeX has always ideologically meant universal formatting styles - do CVs, which inherently lack such formatting universality and require a user to design a formatting schema, still philosophically align with LaTeX's goals?