Texmaker and TeXstudioWriting Greek

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Writing Greek

Post by Paul82 »

Hello everyone,

I'm new to TeXmaker and I'm not sure how to write in Greek. When I compile, it shows nothing. I'm using Windows 7, MiKTeX 2.9 and TeXmaker. I also have chosen UTF-8, and neither Arial nor Times New Roman work for me. Any help would be appreciated.

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Writing Greek

Post by Spider »

In order to write Greek you can use the math environment.
Here is an example:

Code: Select all

The variable $\alpha$ is the entrainment coefficient, when $\Gamma \ll 1$ the plume is lazy.
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Writing Greek

Post by cgnieder »

Hi Paul,

welcome to the LaTeX community!
Paul82 wrote:I'm new to TeXmaker and I'm not sure how to write in Greek.

Do you mean Greek text or single Greek letters like they're used as variables in maths?
Paul82 wrote:When I compile, it shows nothing. I'm using Windows 7, MiKTeX 2.9 and TeXmaker.
Could you show us a minimal version of your document that shows nothing, i.e., a Infominimal working example? If we can see compilable code we may be able to see the cause for your issues.
Paul82 wrote:I also have chosen UTF-8, and neither Arial nor Times New Roman work for me. Any help would be appreciated.
I am not sure Arial or Times New Roman even have Greek letters. They're not typically used in LaTeX, anyway.

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