Code: Select all
\subsection{Basic Idea}
Our scheme blah blah
\subsubsection{Hiding Steganographic Data}
Image is blah blah
is not working. Its overlapping the text.Code: Select all
\subsection{Basic Idea}
Our scheme blah blah
\subsubsection{Hiding Steganographic Data}
Image is blah blah
is not working. Its overlapping the text.\documentclass
and ending with \end{document}
that we can compile in order to reproduce the issue. Such a code is called How? You did not provide enough information.Rahul wrote:Can I please have the answer to my question.[…]
We can only answer one after the other.Rahul wrote:Here many more are awaiting.[…]
This problem covers a competlely different topic than in the other question. Hence it was misplaced and has to be handled in another topic.Rahul wrote:I have entered images,code and problem as stated And it was under same problem "Text".
and ends with \end{document}
. It has to be compilable out of the box. Please follow the links in my first response in order to learn how to prepare useful examples. Otherwise I'm pessimistic about specific help. We can't help you if you don't allow us to help by providing useful information. All we have at the moment is a useless code snippet. And even if I supplement this code snippet to a complete document, I can't reproduce the describe behaviour.
Code: Select all
\subsection{Basic Idea}
Our scheme blah blah
\subsubsection{Hiding Steganographic Data}
Image is blah bla
Code: Select all
This is an example for my fellow users.
Code: Select all
Document Class: IEEEtran 2012/12/27 V1.8 by Michael Shell
Open in writelatex just above the code you provided to see the same result.