GeneralLaTeX => PS => PDF

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Re: LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by Bozack »

Right back at ya Stefan! :D You're the best :P

I think I must be blind ... Thanks :)
OS, LaTeX-system, editor: Arch Linux 64bit, TeXlive, Kile | Windows 10 Professional 64bit, MikTeX 4.9, TeXnicCenter 2.02 64bit

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Re: LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by jlbfunes »

The profile posted by localghost works fine. Just do not forget to update the paths to your local configuration of tools. Thanks a lot, localghost!
I use TeXnicCenter 1 Beta 7.01. MikTeX 2.7 on Windows Vista Home Edition (I will be switching to Linux soon, I swear).
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LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by crdafisica »

sveioen wrote:Hello all,

I'm having trouble making the LaTeX => PS => PDF output profile. When I start TeXnicCenter for the first time, the wizard comes up. I browse to the latex executables and all that. I also add the path to my ghostview 8.56 executables and press OK. Still, I only get the 3 profiles; LaTeX => PDF, PS and DVI. I would like to have LaTeX => PS => PDF as well. How can I do this?

Thank you!
I had the same problem with my texniccenter. After some tests I believe that the problem was texniccenter+ghostscript. The newer version 1 beta 7.50 gives support to GPL ghostscript while the version 1 beta 7.01 only gives support to AFPL ghostscript.

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LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by jambon »


Sorry to up this old topic but I encounter the same problem.

I try to write a report with some images, when I build the file with
Latex => DVI or PS, I have the good final file (but I want a pdf and the quality is horrible if i print the DVI in a pdf);
Latex => PDF, I obtain the good text (chapter, TOC and everything) but blanks instead of pictures;
Latex => PS => PDF, I only obtain the pictures in the .pdf file

I use the profiles given by localghost (adapting the paths) and I'm using Miktex v2.7.3107, TeXNicCenter v1.7.50beta, Adobe Reader v8.1.2, GhostScript v8.62 and GSview v4.9 with Vista SP1

I don't know how to join a file so I paste the code here

Code: Select all


\usepackage{graphicx} %%graphics and normal LaTeX     [dvips]
%\usepackage[hang,tight,raggedright]{subfigure} %%Subfigures inside a figure

%% Other Packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\pagestyle{empty} %No headings for the first pages.


\vspace{} \hspace{-17.5mm} \special{ voffset=0 hoffset=0 hscale=34 vscale=34 angle=0}




\tableofcontents %Table of contents
\cleardoublepage %The first chapter should start on an odd page.
\pagestyle{plain} %Now display headings: headings / fancy / ...




I use 2 ways to print the ps image and both give the same result.
Someone has an idea ?

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LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by localghost »

Something's going wrong, that's for sure. It would be good to have the the log file here.
jambon wrote:[...] I don't know how to join a file so I paste the code here [...]
Just go to the section "Upload attachment" when writing a post. It's not that difficult as you might think. Perhaps you have to rename the log file because not all suffixes are accepted.

Perhaps the figure environments in the titlepage environment cause difficulties. They will try to float, but they can't. However, more details can be found out when looking at the log file.

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LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by jambon »

I missed the upload attachement...

So I join the log and tex (I don't see anything strange in it but I'm not used to explore log files...), it finishes telling the dvi file is built, but LaTeX => PS => PDF makes me a correct dvi and only pictures for the pdf.

I also see this in the output of TeXnicCenter
Index style file not found.
Usage: C:\Program Files\MiKTex 2.7\miktex\bin\makeindex.exe [-ilqrcgLT] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...]
Trying to make PK font ecbx1440 at 8000DPI
makepk: Specified BDPI (8000) doesn't match ljfour resolution (600)
the same thing for ecxb2488, ecxb1095 and ecxb2074

tex file used
(3.64 KiB) Downloaded 1531 times
log file from the LaTeX => PS => PDF profile
(6.98 KiB) Downloaded 1687 times
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LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by localghost »

There are at least two critical points that prevent a successful compilation. The first one is the file named epsf.tex, which is included right after the beginning of the document. This file is missing and since its contents is unknown, there may be the cause of the problems. The second one is also a missing file. In this case the file, which shall be included in two different ways inside float environments. As I stated earlier, these floats may cause problems because they have been inserted in the titlepage environment.

Finally, some remarks regarding the settings for MakeIndex in this profile. I once wrote an index style file named to enhance the output of the index. Since this file is not present on other systems, the settings for MakeIndex have to be reset to default. Furthermore the command line argument -g has to be omitteted to switch off sorting of the index according to the German language. Hence the only command line argument for MakeIndex has to be "%bm". You can find three explaining screenshots attached to an earlier post of this topic.
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LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by jambon »

Hello, thanks for helping me

The two files are the (I just changed name) and the other one is a tex file to have another way figures (giving exact position size and scales so you can put many subfigures as you want).

I change the arguments but I was not the problem so I deleted much packages (many are there when you start the document) and it works.

The problem comes from the package
when I comment it, the pdf is correctly generated. I have seen on some websites that it is made to improve output pdf quality ?

Is it necessary or can I delete it and have good quality for my pdf (my poor eyes will see a difference?)?

I'm looking for more information about this

edit: I resolve my problems:
I had these packages:
but fontenc was the problem of my pdf generation (only pictures)
I add these packages (for accent in pdf, even if i had no accent before) and it works now:
source (french forum) at


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LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by localghost »

The problems are definitely not caused by the fontenc package. I use it in every document and there never occurred problems. So the cause must be somewhere else. Unfortunately you didn't provide the necessary files I requested, so I can't test it myself.
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LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by jambon »


I join 3 files, the epsf for figure, the image and a tex file so you can try.
I add 3 packages
If I comment the 3 lines, the pdf is generated without text and if i uncomment at least 1 of them (doesn't matter which one), it is ok for me.

Maybe luck, probably another hidden setting, but for sure it is working for me :)



edit: the image is too big, take any ps image
a test tex file
(4.28 KiB) Downloaded 1502 times
tex for figures
(7.54 KiB) Downloaded 1500 times
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