Hello everyone,
I'm new to TeXmaker and I'm not sure how to write in Greek. When I compile, it shows nothing. I'm using Windows 7, MiKTeX 2.9 and TeXmaker. I also have chosen UTF-8, and neither Arial nor Times New Roman work for me. Any help would be appreciated.
Texmaker and TeXstudio ⇒ Writing Greek
Writing Greek
In order to write Greek you can use the math environment.
Here is an example:
In order to write Greek you can use the math environment.
Here is an example:
Code: Select all
The variable $\alpha$ is the entrainment coefficient, when $\Gamma \ll 1$ the plume is lazy.
Writing Greek
Hi Paul,
welcome to the LaTeX community!
Do you mean Greek text or single Greek letters like they're used as variables in maths?
minimal working example? If we can see compilable code we may be able to see the cause for your issues.
welcome to the LaTeX community!
Paul82 wrote:I'm new to TeXmaker and I'm not sure how to write in Greek.
Do you mean Greek text or single Greek letters like they're used as variables in maths?
Could you show us a minimal version of your document that shows nothing, i.e., aPaul82 wrote:When I compile, it shows nothing. I'm using Windows 7, MiKTeX 2.9 and TeXmaker.

I am not sure Arial or Times New Roman even have Greek letters. They're not typically used in LaTeX, anyway.Paul82 wrote:I also have chosen UTF-8, and neither Arial nor Times New Roman work for me. Any help would be appreciated.
site moderator & package author