Graphics, Figures & Tablescapitalisation of all letters in table float caption

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capitalisation of all letters in table float caption

Post by lyxuser2357 »

Hello, I am using the class 'ieee' in LYX and find every word of a text in the caption of table floats is printed in capital letters (e.g. Comparisson --> COMPARISSON). Is there a way i can change this feature so text appears normal within the float box throughout the document?

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Re: capitalisation of all letters in table float caption

Post by sommerfee »

If you plan to submit your paper to the IEEE you should leave it as it is.

If you don't plan to submit your paper to the IEEE, why are you using the IEEEtran document class?
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Re: capitalisation of all letters in table float caption

Post by minidiable »

I also have the same problem. I want to submit a paper to an IEEE conference but in the caption of the table there is a unit of speed "9.6 m/s" and Latex gives me "9.6 M/S".

I think this is wrong and I would like to fix it.
Is there a way to do it?

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capitalisation of all letters in table float caption

Post by Johannes_B »

Hi, i don't know, but it's possible that package siunitx could do the job. But i don't have time to test right know. If you prepare a minimal working example i could test more easily.
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