Math & ScienceBreaking an inline equation in multiple lines

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Breaking an inline equation in multiple lines

Post by amiruw »

May I kindly ask how to split a long math in the body of a text in two lines? I already tried the previously-suggested approaches in this forum but non of them worked for me. I used $$ ... $$; its output was not satisfactory. I also used \allowbreak{...} with \big\{ ...\big\} but it didn't work.

I am using \documentclass[journal]{IEEEtran} with the following related packages:

Code: Select all

So the document has two columns, and I have something like the following in the body of my text that violates the column width:

Code: Select all

{a}_{2}=\big\{s,\cdots ,min\left ( m+100\times FF_{i}^{D}-1,\textup{Dispatch Interval }} \right ) \big\}$
For example, even if I can move the word "Interval" to the next line, that will be great.

Thanks in advance.
Last edited by cgnieder on Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Breaking an inline equation in multiple lines

Post by mas »

amiruw wrote: May I kindly ask how to split a long math in the body of a text in two lines? I already tried the previously-suggested approaches in this forum but non of them worked for me.
What exactly did you use that did not work? Your question is short of details.
I used $$ ... $$; its output was not satisfactory.
You should never use that. Always use \begin{equation} and \end{equation} (or the starred version).

Please post a Infominimal working example so that we can compile and suggest the changes. Use the code tags to post your code. Have you tried the multline environment of amsmath to split the equation? Does this work for you?

Code: Select all


  {a}_{2}=\big\{s,\cdots, \min (m+100\times
  FF_{i}^{D}-1, \\ 
  \text{Dispatch Interval}) \big\}

OS: Debian/GNU Linux; LaTeX System : TeXLive; Editor : Vim
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