MiKTeX and proTeXtMikTex with TeXnicCenter \bibliography

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MikTex with TeXnicCenter \bibliography

Post by MikeHawk »

Hi Guys,

I am actually havin problem with my bibliography and nomenclature.
I am not able to see both of them in my document. This is my text in TeXnicCenter

\renewcommand{\nomlabel}[1]{#1 \dotfill}

and during the text:

\footnote{\cite[nach Wild]{Wild}}

and the mistake is: i could not open database file literturverzeichnis.bib

Could someone describe in detail how i can make my bibliography and nomenclature?

thx very much, Kai

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MikTex with TeXnicCenter \bibliography

Post by countbela666 »

Hi Kai,

if you want to use BibTeX to create a bibliography you have to provide a literature database as described in btxdoc.pdf. Now you must choose a bibliography style and include the bibliography to be generated into your document via the \bibliography command. After having enabled BibTeXing in your current output profile (Alt+F7) you have to build your project at least two times. But beware: only actually cited elements of your database files are taken into your bibliography unless you don't use \nocite*{}.

To embed a nomenclature into your project you should include the nomencl package and put \makenomenclature in the preamble of your main TEX file. Then you have to provide some nomenclature items via the \nomenclature command and include the nomenclature list to be generated into your document via the \printnomenclature command. Ensure to have enabled makeindex in your current output profile (Alt+F7) and to have provided makeindex with the following command line arguments before compiling your project at least twice:

Code: Select all

"%bm".nlo -s nomencl.ist -o "%bm".nls
Here a minimum example featuring a bibliography and a nomenclature:

Code: Select all

  author = {Donald Ervin Knuth},
  title = {The TeXbook},
  year = {1984},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley}
  \nomenclature{b}{some item}
  \nomenclature{a}{another item}
  \nomenclature{c}{and a last one}

BTW: are you sure having passed the correct database filename to the \bibliography command? Maybe it works with \bibliography{literaturverzeichnis} ;)
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