Only this

Bump! Two years have elapsed since then. Where have you placed this short guide? I'd like to take a look. Thank you!localghost wrote:Sorry for the belated reply. It has been a busy week. This idea sounds good to me. I will give thought to it and prepare some kind of short guide about meaning and possible usage of those icons.
Neither am I, but I'd be gladly of help if you tell me what to do.Stefan_K wrote:In the meantime another thought: if you would likt to have further or different icons, let me know. If you would prepare small images for the icons, in the same size, I could add them, and replace some.
The existing topic icons are standard icons of the forum software, I would be glad to implement new icons indicating TeX related topics, as symbols for the content. Ideas: a LyX icon, an error icon, a generic editor icon, a MiKTeX or TeX Live icon ... we have categories and especially TeX, but icons could be a nice visual addition. I'm just not good at drawing, but would implement suggestions with images quickly.