Graphics, Figures & TablesImage can't be included with twice \newcommand expansion

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Image can't be included with twice \newcommand expansion

Post by EmilioLazo »


In the following code:

Code: Select all

test \includegraphics{\test} 
testx \includegraphics{\testx}
testxx \includegraphics{\testxx}
Both first and third image appears but second one doesn't:
! LaTeX Error: File `example-grid-100x100bp.jpg' not found.
If '.jpg' extension is removed from \test command definition, all three images appears.


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Re: Image can't be included with twice \newcommand expansion

Post by localghost »

Then just drop the suffix. In the most cases it is superfluous anyway.

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Re: Image can't be included with twice \newcommand expansion

Post by EmilioLazo »

But what is happening anyway?

Why the difference in the behaviour between first/third image inclusion and second?

(pdf)latex says that it can't find 'example-grid-100x100bp.jpg', the same file of the other two cases.
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Image can't be included with twice \newcommand expansion

Post by cgnieder »

EmilioLazo wrote:But what is happening anyway?
The error message is actually misleading. When you do

Code: Select all

the error message means to say »File `\test' not found«. The actual inclusion is done by the command \Ginclude@graphics which calls

Code: Select all

The \filename@parse macro contains the code

Code: Select all

which means that the argument of \includegraphics is expanded once. This is why the first test succeeds. In the second case it finds the file »\test«.

The above mentioned \filename@parse now calls \filename@path which in this case finds no directory specified and thus assumes the current path and calls \filename@simple#1.\\ which checks for an extension. It finds none and lets \filename@ext to \relax. It also defines \edef\filename@base{#1}. This is an \edef which means it's contents get fully expanded. That means that \filename@base is now picture.jpg.

These macros now are checked by \Ginclude@graphics. If \filename@ext is equal to \relax it looks for a match of \filename@base plus one of the allowed extensions. This would be picture.jpg.png, for example. Such a file does not exist so you get the error message. Without an extension this doesn't matter since \filename@base would be picture and it would find picture.jpg.

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