I am running into similar problems as described in this thread with the list of figures when using the amsbook class. I thought I could figure this out myself, but I do not understand many of the commands in the source code for the class.
I'd like to change the indentation of the text to be larger. Currently, I have over 10 figures in one chapter, and so, for example, when I have Figure 3.9, there is enough space for the caption, and it doesn't look weird. But when I have Figure 3.10, the caption text is right next to the figure number. I'd like to push all of the caption text to the right, but I do not know how to change it. Can anyone give some pointers or code? (preferably the last).
I found this post, but the solution does not work, I'm assuming because the TOC is set up differently in the amsbook class.
Page Layout ⇒ Numbers overlapping Captions in LoF
- localghost
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Numbers overlapping Captions in LoF
Your issue is not related at all to the problem described there. Therefore your question has been split to a new topic with a new title.JohnR wrote:I am running into similar problems as described in this thread with the list of figures when using the amsbook class. I thought I could figure this out myself, but I do not understand many of the commands in the source code for the class.[…]
The problem is not comprehensible because amsbook doesn't number figures by chapter as you described.
Code: Select all
\setcounter{figure}{9} % increment »figure« counter just to show the problem
\caption{Dummy figure}
- Is there any special reason to use the amsbook class?
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
Numbers overlapping Captions in LoF
In page 11 of the AMS-LaTeX guide, it is suggested to insert the line
in order to add the chapter number to the figure number. I suppose that is what JohnR did, so the figure numbering behaves as reported in the OP.
The following code solves the problem, I hope:
Lines in the LoF are written by means of
Code: Select all
The following code solves the problem, I hope:
Code: Select all
\def\l@figure#1#2{\@tocline{0}{3pt plus2pt}{0pt}{2.5pc}{}{#1}{#2}}
\setcounter{figure}{9} % increment »figure« counter just to show the problem
\caption{Dummy figure}
Lines in the LoF are written by means of
, defined, in turn, in terms of the internal command \@tocline
. The separation between the figure number and caption text is given by the fourth argument of \@tocline
(by default, 1.5 pc). Above, in the definition of \l@figure
, I've put 2.5pc instead. This value can be changed as needed.The CTAN lion is an artwork by Duane Bibby. Courtesy of www.ctan.org.