Code: Select all
\caption{Principle of overflow.}
Code: Select all
\caption{Principle of overflow.}
I am new in latex, excuse me what do you mean by "draft"sommerfee wrote:Drop the option "draft".
), there might be the word draft
in the option list, it could also be in the line where you are loading graphicx.Dear Mr.Johannes_B,Johannes_B wrote:In your first codeline (\documentclass[options]{something}
), there might be the worddraft
in the option list, it could also be in the line where you are loading graphicx.
Furthermore, you should delete the file name suffix, meaning "overflow" instead of "overflow.jpg".
Additionally, you should always post a compilable minimal example, this way, you could have found the reason yourself.
Code: Select all
\title{Over flow on steams}
\usepackage[switch, modulo]{lineno} % line numbering
\usepackage{amsmath} % use for math-centering
\caption{Principle of overflow.}
Thank you a lot for all of you. My problem is solved by just change the name of the figure which I downloaded from internet by my own name.Johannes_B wrote:I replaced your jpg with my testbild.jpg and your code works fine for me.
Maybe you could upload your pdf (compiled from the above example), so we can verify the problem.