MiKTeX and proTeXtBiber on current MiKTeX

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Biber on current MiKTeX

Post by DarkRuler »

Hey guys!

I am trying to use biblatex and Biber for citation. I installed MiKTeX 2.9/32bit (at first I tried 64 bit, but I have read that Biber is not included in x64). Now I want to run a simple file with one citation, but the problem is I get a PDF without the bibliography. Is there something wrong with the following? My problem is I don't get a single error message in the console.

Code: Select all


  style=authoryear, %% Zitierstil (siehe Dokumentation)
  natbib=true, %% Bereitstellen von natbib-kompatiblen Zitierkommandos
  hyperref=true, %% hyperref-Paket verwenden, um Links zu erstellen



The "literatur.bib":

Code: Select all

% This file was created with JabRef 2.9.2.
% Encoding: Cp1252

  title = {Der demographische Wandel : Chancen fuer die Neuordnung der Geschlechterverhaeltnisse},
  publisher = {Campus-Verl},
  year = {2006},
  author = {Berger, Peter A.},
  address = {Frankfurt am Main ua},
  language = {ger},
  shorttitle = {Der demographische Wandel}
Last edited by localghost on Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Biber on current MiKTeX

Post by localghost »

And you have run Biber on the *.aux file in between? If you don't use an editor with built-in automatism you have to do that manually. The biblatex package won't do that for you. Tools like arara or latexmk could be helpful then.

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Re: Biber on current MiKTeX

Post by DarkRuler »

Thanks for your answer, you solved my problem :) I opended the file in Texmaker, set biber for the biblatex command and ran biber. Now it works, but the process is not automated yet. I will try to do that some other time.
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