GeneralMake custom template

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Rob K
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Make custom template

Post by Rob K »

Hi there,

Is there a way to save a template so that I can re use it? At present I have a template that I use, and each new doc that I make, I have to go to the last one I made and delete all the content. I would much rather just have it as a template that I can re use without all of that.

Kind regards


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Make custom template

Post by Frits »

That may be possible depending on the editor you are using. So tell us a bit more about that your editor.

Also, with 'template' do you mean just the preamble or the whole layout of your document (including \begin{document}...\end{document})? If it's just the preamble, I'd suggest to make a separate preamble.tex file that you call in each new document with

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Rob K
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Re: Make custom template

Post by Rob K »

Yes, precisely that, it doesn't even have to come from the drop down, I would just like to be able to have that set when I start my work. I use it for all my work at uni as it works so much better than microsoft word and looks so much nicer. I don't do anything particularly wild with it, just reports with images in.

I run two Macs, one is snow leopard, and one is mountain lion, but I seem to run the same latex editor in both which is nice as I can just swap between the two of them.

The editor is TeXShop version 2.43 (2.43)

If you need any other info let me know and I will provide it.

Thank you for you help.

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Make custom template

Post by Frits »

For TeXShop, although I'm not experienced with that editor, you can use templates. In fact, it is described in the documentation. You can read it here, have a look at section 1.14 (Modifying the Templates Menu) - Your LaTeX resource site (Tips, Tricks, Templates and more!)
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