Text FormattingDifference between Editors

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jesmond micallef
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Difference between Editors

Post by jesmond micallef »

Dear friends,

I am asking a very basic question. I am reading an Italian publication on LaTeX published by Jeronimo Leal and it gives links from where one can download the program of TeXworks. However I have a Mac and a Windows.
On Windows it has been installed as TeX Live while on the Mac as TeXworks (it has also TeX Live utility, TexShop). I do not have a DVD of the program because since I came to know about LaTeX only recently, they sent me the links.

I want to ask you if the one installed on the Mac is the right one since it does not correspond to the one of the Windows although it opens as the same windows. However the book I am reading says that it follow the TeXmaker. I do not understand the difference between TeXworks and TeXmaker. It says that they prefer to work with TeXmaker because of the lack of an instrument of creation of the macros. It also says that TeXworks is rather complicated. So I am very very confused. Can someone help me please and tell me from where I can download the program for the Mac?

Thanks a lot.
Fr Jesmond

Recommended reading 2024:

LaTeXguide.org • LaTeX-Cookbook.net • TikZ.org
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Difference between Editors

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

TeXworks is clean and fast and easy to learn. I use it myself.

Texmaker is a complex editor with many features. If you like to have many toolbars and long menus, it could be a good choice.

TeXshop is a great and simple editor for the Mac, which inspired TeXworks. You could use that if it's installed. I guess it's more important to get started than to learn how to use a complex editor.

Visit the Texmaker homepage for download and documentation if you really need it.

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The Prophet
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Re: Difference between Editors

Post by The Prophet »

I can recommend Texpad on Mac!

https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/texpad- ... 6234?mt=12

Demo is also available at http://texpadapp.com
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