Here is the problem:
I need to generate a document in booklet form (for duplex printing). The document will be printed on an a4 paper in landscape. Each half of the paper will carry an individual page ( you can call it signature)
To get the result I used a script which someone has posted on the net. The script works absolutely fine. However, when I use pstricks, everything fails. I used pstricks to produce figures (geometrical figures: e.g. pstriangle).
The sample code is as below
The script for generating the document:
Code: Select all
# This script takes an A5 latex file as input and produces an A4
# document (both ps and pdf) for printing an A5 booklet
# Usage:
# booklet [filename without extension]
latex $1
latex $1
# make an a5 ps from dvi:
dvips -t a5 -o $ $1.dvi
# sort pages
psbook $
# put two pages on one a4 sheet
psnup -Pa5 -pa4 -2
# change a5 to a4 in ps file
sed 's/^%%DocumentPaperSizes: A5/%%DocumentPaperSizes: a4/g' < > $
# produce pdf files, pdflatex ist used (twice) to get bookmarks
pdflatex $1.tex
pdflatex $1.tex
ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 $
# delete tmp files
Code: Select all
\item line 1
\item line 2
\item line 3
\item line4
2. The document 1(using pstricks)
Code: Select all
\item line 1
\item line 2
\item line 3
\item line4
1. if I do not use pstricks, everything goes fine
2. if I use pstricks, no pdf file is generated
What is the work around?
How can I use pstricks?
(Please note: I am not an expert, but a self taught person.)
Thank you in advance