MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and AcronymsLinked Index for Presentation

Information and discussion about MakeIndex - the tool to generate subject indices for LaTeX documents.
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Linked Index for Presentation

Post by mafis103 »

Hi everyone,

I am supposed to do a linked index for some lecture slides. There is no problem with the indexing itself, but with the linking - I can see the page numbers, but there are no links, although hyperref is loaded (and I think it is loaded by the beamer class anyway).

I have no clue, what I am doing wrong. Here is an example that can show my problem:

Code: Select all







test \myindex{taindex} \myindex{waindex!ssubaz} \myindex{zbzindex!isubbu}

test \myindex{taindex} \myindex{ezzz!ezsubaz} \myindex{ezzbindex!uzsubbu}


test \myindex{binden}\myindex{aindex!suba2} \myindex{bindex!subb2}

The commented line you can see is one of my tries to make it work and one of the rare things I found on the internet concerning that topic. (When activated, I put of course a |bb behind the index terms). But that try didn't even compile.

Can you tell me where the problem is and maybe what the solution is? I haven't found much about that topic in forums etc. so I am wondering if I am the only one with this problem? :oops:

Best regards and thanks in advance

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Linked Index for Presentation

Post by nlct »

mafis103 wrote:

Code: Select all

\hyperpage requires just the page number as its argument, so this would need to be

Code: Select all

However beamer disables \hyperpage so you can't use it. Here's a possible alternative that uses the datagidx package (part of the datatool bundle):

Code: Select all


    % beamer doesn't define \@idxitem, but it's used by the
    % \printterms "index" style, so define it:






    test \gls{taindex} \gls{ssubaz}

    % Make the next term have a bold page number in the index:
    test \gls{[textbf]taindex} 

    test \gls{binden}\gls{suba2}

You don't need makeindex, just two LaTeX runs. On the second run, the page numbers in the index will be hyperlinks.

Nicola Talbot
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Linked Index for Presentation

Post by mafis103 »

Hi nicola,

thank you very much for your help. Is there any way to avoid always naming the index-terms twice?
(One time in the text and the other time by

Code: Select all


EDIT: And another question,

I redefined the "myindex" command like this:

Code: Select all

But now I have the problem that I want to refer to indexes, that have the same name, but a different Parent-concept. How can I differentiate them (with makeindex it was possible to do this {concept!sub} thing to differentiate, with \gls that doesn't work anymore of course)
Is it possible to make them sort automatically by alphabet?

Thanks in advance
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Linked Index for Presentation

Post by nlct »

mafis103 wrote:Is there any way to avoid always naming the index-terms twice? (One time in the text and the other time by

Code: Select all

No, I'm sorry. With datagidx you have to define the terms in the preamble.
I redefined the "myindex" command like this:

Code: Select all

But now I have the problem that I want to refer to indexes, that have the same name, but a different Parent-concept. How can I differentiate them (with makeindex it was possible to do this {concept!sub} thing to differentiate, with \gls that doesn't work anymore of course)
You can override the default label using the label key in the optional argument of \newterm:

Code: Select all

Now you can reference it using

Code: Select all

You can also override how the text appears when using \gls (as opposed to how it will appear in the index):

Code: Select all

\newterm[label=foobar,text={bar (foo)},parent=foo]{bar}

Code: Select all

\newterm[label=foobar,text={foo bar},parent=foo]{bar}
Is it possible to make them sort automatically by alphabet?
The entries should automatically be sorted alphabetically (according to the entry level, as with makeindex). If this isn't happening, can you provide a minimal example illustrating the problem.

Nicola Talbot
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Re: Linked Index for Presentation

Post by mafis103 »

Hi Nicola,

please excuse my late response and thank you very much for your helpful answers. I will try your hints as soon as possible and maybe come back again with other question

But until that: Just Thank you, I wouldn't have found out about that solution by myself.
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Linked Index for Presentation

Post by mafis103 »

Hi there again.

Everything is working fine so far, but I have got a problem:
When I add a lot of indexes, the pages don't break and the indexes flow over the frame.... (see example).
Is there any solution for that?

Code: Select all


        % beamer doesn't define \@idxitem, but it's used by the
        % \printterms "index" style, so define it:






        test \gls{taindex} \gls{ssubaz}

        % Make the next term have a bold page number in the index:
        test \gls{[textbf]taindex}

        test \gls{binden}\gls{suba2}

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Re: Linked Index for Presentation

Post by mafis103 »

- just pushing that thread up, because the last posted question still remains -
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: Linked Index for Presentation

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

This thread was originally about hyperlinking the index, and the original question has been solved. Probably that's why your follow-up question at the end wasn't seen by many readers. It's usually the best to open a new topic for a new problem. You can always provide a link back to a related topic.

Stefan admin
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