Here is a minimal working example, including your code for the cast, which I defined for chapters with the command name
Code: Select all
\glsSetCompositor{-} %For the package to work with the specific type of page numbering
\newglossary[slg]{symbols}{sym}{sbl}{List of Symbols}
%List of symbols - definitions
\newglossaryentry{Ppv}{type=symbols,name=\ensuremath{P_{\rm PV}},
description=Power extracted from the PV panels}
\newglossaryentry{Pdc}{type=symbols,name=\ensuremath{P_{\rm dc}},
description=Power at the input of the CSI}
\newglossaryentry{Idc}{type=symbols,name=\ensuremath{I_{\rm dc}},
description=Current on the DC link at the output of the PV panels}
\newglossaryentry{Vpv}{type=symbols,name=\ensuremath{V_{\rm PV}},
description=Voltage at the output of the PV panels}
%Acronyms - definitions
\newacronym{APF}{APF}{Active Power Filter}
\newacronym{BESS}{BESS}{Battery Energy Storage System}
\newacronym{CSI}{CSI}{Current Source Inverter}
%%%%To cast the list of symbols inside each chapter
%To align the columns
\itab{\textbf{Symbol}} \taba{\textbf{Description}} \tabb{\textbf{Units}} \\
\renewcommand*{\do}[1]{\item \itab{\glsentrytext{##1}} \taba{\glsentrydesc{##1}} \tabb{\glssymbol{##1}}}
% Acronyms
%The symbols are displayed inside each chapter if the two following commands are activated
%\glsaddall[types=symbols] % To display all the symbols
\chapter{Ex 2}
The code above displays the acronyms used inside chapter 1 and 2. However, I would like it to display the symbols used inside chapter 1 and 2, each time with the command
I noticed that the use of the command
influences what is printed by
. For instance, if I use
as well before the chapters, the symbols will be printed as well by
--> My problem: How to print only the symbols inside the chapters with
independently of the use of the command
Also, if possible, I would like the List of symbols printed in each chapter to be an unnumered section with the title 'List of symbols' instead of a list without title.
Thanks for your help!