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Installation Instructions for an IT Administrator

Post by latexinthesky »


I have worked with LaTeX before. But now it is the first time I have to install it on Windows. Before it was installed on windows or I did my self in Linux. But now I have to explain our IT department how to in stall it (admin rights). They have install TexMaker but this isn't working. The compilation doesn't work. That is because a big part is missing. Am I right that TexMaker is only the editor? And I need the LaTeX source as well. Can any one tell me what I have to tell my IT department to get it working in one time. Or is there a packages that doesn't need to be installed.

One more TexMaker can run on a USB stick but also need the LaTeX source or not?

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Installation Instructions for an IT Administrator

Post by localghost »

Your administrator has also to install a TeX system like TeX Live (recommended). Ask him to install the complete system in order to avoid missing packages. Tell him also that LaTeX and especially its packages are under continuous development and need regular updates.

There is a portable version of TeXmaker available in download section of the project page. A portable installation of TeX Live is possible, too. As alternative on Windows the MiKTeX distribution is available as portable system.

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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Installation Instructions for an IT Administrator

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


welcome to the board!

I recommend to install TeX Live. Provide this link to your IT department, suggesting a "full" installation. It's possible over the Internet. Alternatively, you could do a portable installation on your USB stick, however you would need to modify your system search path, so it would be able to find the TeX binaries.

Alternatively, there's MiKTeX for Windows, but perhaps you might prefer TeX Live since your worked with it on Linux before.

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Installation Instructions for an IT Administrator

Post by latexinthesky »


Everything is working. So let go to work :)

Found a way to make a USB LaTeX stick. But didn't test it yet.
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