Feature SuggestionsMultiple builds at once and spellchecker fix

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Multiple builds at once and spellchecker fix

Post by kcmagruder »

I have two suggestions for future versions of TexnicCenter:

1. I suggest that the user have the option to have TexnicCenter execute multiple consecutive builds. For example, if a new reference is added using bibtex, the document needs to be compiled three times before the citations are properly placed. It would be convenient to have this taken care of with one click of a button.

2. The spellchecker should ignore the arguments of \ref{}, \label{}, and \cite{} since these labels are not seen in the compiled document and they are rarely single, properly spelled words.

Thank you, keep up the good work!

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Multiple builds at once and spellchecker fix

Post by localghost »

kcmagruder wrote:[…] I suggest that the user have the option to have TexnicCenter execute multiple consecutive builds. For example, if a new reference is added using bibtex, the document needs to be compiled three times before the citations are properly placed. It would be convenient to have this taken care of with one click of a button. […]
Use »texify« from MiKTeX to compile instead [1].
kcmagruder wrote:[…] The spellchecker should ignore the arguments of \ref{}, \label{}, and \cite{} since these labels are not seen in the compiled document and they are rarely single, properly spelled words. […]
As far as I know spell checking in TeXnicCenter (TXC) is done by an external program. Thus this is no issue of TXC itself.

[1] texify: The MiKTeX Compiler Driver

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Re: Multiple builds at once and spellchecker fix

Post by 1_1_1_1_ »

Sorry to hijack this post.

I have been trying to find a solution to the original posters problem and have tried to follow the advice to use texify.

In texniccenter i've defined an output profile Texify => PDF with texify.exe and command line argument =p "%pm".

I've also included the BibTex and MakeIndex profiles with command line "%bm".

When I run the Texify => PDF output profile I still get the same problem - that multiple builds are required to sort out the references.

Would someone be able to help?

Thanks in advance.
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