Graphics, Figures & TablesRectangles around Table Cells

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Rectangles around Table Cells

Post by Mini »


I'd like to achieve the attached image in LaTeX.

How could I make a rectangle around a bunch of cells in LaTeX?

Screen shot 2011-05-25 at 5.17.47 PM.png
Screen shot 2011-05-25 at 5.17.47 PM.png (21.02 KiB) Viewed 14529 times

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Rectangles around Table Cells

Post by ignasi »

Do you know the karnaugh package on CTAN?

I used it long time ago. More recently, but still some years ago I made some Karnaugh maps with TikZ. If you are interested I can send you some example.

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Re: Rectangles around Table Cells

Post by Mini »

Yes but it doesnt arrange the K maps as I want them to do (ie. not in the correct standard cell order).

Therefore I would like to do it myself..
Posts: 20
Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:10 pm

Rectangles around Table Cells

Post by ignasi »

I've found my tikz code for Karnaugh maps. Command names are in catalan, but I've added some comments in English. I hope you could understand them. You only need tikz. Next you'll find the code with two examples using it.

Best regards,


Code: Select all


%internal group
%#1-space between node and grouping line. Default=0
%#2-top left node
%#3-bottom right node
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(#2.north west)+(135:#1)$) rectangle ($(#3.south east)+(-45:#1)$);

%group lateral borders
%#1-space between node and grouping line. Default=0
%#2-top left node
%#3-bottom right node
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(rf.east |- #2.north)+(90:#1)$)-| ($(#2.east)+(0:#1)$) |- ($(rf.east |- #3.south)+(-90:#1)$);
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(cf.west |- #2.north)+(90:#1)$) -| ($(#3.west)+(180:#1)$) |- ($(cf.west |- #3.south)+(-90:#1)$);

%group top-bottom borders
%#1-space between node and grouping line. Default=0
%#2-top left node
%#3-bottom right node
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(cf.south -| #2.west)+(180:#1)$) |- ($(#2.south)+(-90:#1)$) -| ($(cf.south -| #3.east)+(0:#1)$);
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(rf.north -| #2.west)+(180:#1)$) |- ($(#3.north)+(90:#1)$) -| ($(rf.north -| #3.east)+(0:#1)$);

%group corners
%#1-space between node and grouping line. Default=0
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(rf.east |- 0.south)+(-90:#1)$) -| ($(0.east |- cf.south)+(0:#1)$);
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(rf.east |- 8.north)+(90:#1)$) -| ($(8.east |- rf.north)+(0:#1)$);
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(cf.west |- 2.south)+(-90:#1)$) -| ($(2.west |- cf.south)+(180:#1)$);
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(cf.west |- 10.north)+(90:#1)$) -| ($(10.west |- rf.north)+(180:#1)$);

%Empty Karnaugh map 4x4
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.north),scale=0.8]
\draw (0,0) grid (4,4);
\draw (0,4) -- node [pos=0.7,above right,anchor=south west] {cd} node [pos=0.7,below left,anchor=north east] {ab} ++(135:1);
\matrix (mapa) [matrix of nodes,
        column sep={0.8cm,between origins},
        row sep={0.8cm,between origins},
        every node/.style={minimum size=0.3mm},,
        ampersand replacement=\&] at (0.5,0.5)
                       \& |(c00)| 00         \& |(c01)| 01         \& |(c11)| 11         \& |(c10)| 10         \& |(cf)| \phantom{00} \\
|(r00)| 00             \& |(0)|  \phantom{0} \& |(1)|  \phantom{0} \& |(3)|  \phantom{0} \& |(2)|  \phantom{0} \&                     \\
|(r01)| 01             \& |(4)|  \phantom{0} \& |(5)|  \phantom{0} \& |(7)|  \phantom{0} \& |(6)|  \phantom{0} \&                     \\
|(r11)| 11             \& |(12)| \phantom{0} \& |(13)| \phantom{0} \& |(15)| \phantom{0} \& |(14)| \phantom{0} \&                     \\
|(r10)| 10             \& |(8)|  \phantom{0} \& |(9)|  \phantom{0} \& |(11)| \phantom{0} \& |(10)| \phantom{0} \&                     \\
|(rf) | \phantom{00}   \&                    \&                    \&                    \&                    \&                     \\

%Empty Karnaugh map 2x4
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.north),scale=0.8]
\draw (0,0) grid (4,2);
\draw (0,2) -- node [pos=0.7,above right,anchor=south west] {bc} node [pos=0.7,below left,anchor=north east] {a} ++(135:1);
\matrix (mapa) [matrix of nodes,
        column sep={0.8cm,between origins},
        row sep={0.8cm,between origins},
        every node/.style={minimum size=0.3mm},,
        ampersand replacement=\&] at (0.5,0.5)
                       \& |(c00)| 00         \& |(c01)| 01         \& |(c11)| 11         \& |(c10)| 10         \& |(cf)| \phantom{00} \\
|(r00)| 0             \& |(0)|  \phantom{0} \& |(1)|  \phantom{0} \& |(3)|  \phantom{0} \& |(2)|  \phantom{0} \&                     \\
|(r01)| 1             \& |(4)|  \phantom{0} \& |(5)|  \phantom{0} \& |(7)|  \phantom{0} \& |(6)|  \phantom{0} \&                     \\
|(rf) | \phantom{00}   \&                    \&                    \&                    \&                    \&                     \\

%Defines 8 or 16 values (0,1,X)
\foreach \x [count=\xi from 0]  in {#1}
     \path (\xi) node {\x};

%Places 1 in listed positions
    \foreach \x in {#1}
        \path (\x) node {1};

%Places 0 in listed positions
    \foreach \x in {#1}
        \path (\x) node {0};

%Places X in listed positions
    \foreach \x in {#1}
        \path (\x) node {X};


Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:46 am

Re: Rectangles around Table Cells

Post by oozypal »


I am having the same issue. Did you find the right code?

Were you able to draw the kmap in your picture?

Thank you
Posts: 20
Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:10 pm

Re: Rectangles around Table Cells

Post by ignasi »

Have you tested the code I posted in my previous answer?

Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:46 am

Rectangles around Table Cells

Post by oozypal »


Yes, I did but it does not produce the image shown above with:

Code: Select all

|       |
I hope you get it.

Thank you
Posts: 20
Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:10 pm

Rectangles around Table Cells

Post by ignasi »

I think that the line which marks negate or not negate variables is not necessary if you uses 0 and 1 to label rows and columns, but, in any case, I've made some changes to the code and something similar to wanted lines and labels are shown now.

I hope you could adapt the code to your needs.

Code: Select all


%internal group
%#1-space between node and grouping line. Default=0
%#2-top left node
%#3-bottom right node
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(#2.north west)+(135:#1)$) rectangle ($(#3.south east)+(-45:#1)$);

%group lateral borders
%#1-space between node and grouping line. Default=0
%#2-top left node
%#3-bottom right node
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(rf.east |- #2.north)+(90:#1)$)-| ($(#2.east)+(0:#1)$) |- ($(rf.east |- #3.south)+(-90:#1)$);
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(cf.west |- #2.north)+(90:#1)$) -| ($(#3.west)+(180:#1)$) |- ($(cf.west |- #3.south)+(-90:#1)$);

%group top-bottom borders
%#1-space between node and grouping line. Default=0
%#2-top left node
%#3-bottom right node
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(cf.south -| #2.west)+(180:#1)$) |- ($(#2.south)+(-90:#1)$) -| ($(cf.south -| #3.east)+(0:#1)$);
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(rf.north -| #2.west)+(180:#1)$) |- ($(#3.north)+(90:#1)$) -| ($(rf.north -| #3.east)+(0:#1)$);

%group corners
%#1-space between node and grouping line. Default=0
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(rf.east |- 0.south)+(-90:#1)$) -| ($(0.east |- cf.south)+(0:#1)$);
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(rf.east |- 8.north)+(90:#1)$) -| ($(8.east |- rf.north)+(0:#1)$);
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(cf.west |- 2.south)+(-90:#1)$) -| ($(2.west |- cf.south)+(180:#1)$);
    \draw[rounded corners=3pt] ($(cf.west |- 10.north)+(90:#1)$) -| ($(10.west |- rf.north)+(180:#1)$);

%Empty Karnaugh map 4x4
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.north),scale=0.8]
\draw (0,0) grid (4,4);
\draw (0,4) -- node [pos=0.7,above right,anchor=south west] {cd} node [pos=0.7,below left,anchor=north east] {ab} ++(135:1);
\matrix (mapa) [matrix of nodes,
        column sep={0.8cm,between origins},
        row sep={0.8cm,between origins},
        every node/.style={minimum size=0.3mm},,
        ampersand replacement=\&] at (0.5,0.5)
                       \& |(c00)| 00         \& |(c01)| 01         \& |(c11)| 11         \& |(c10)| 10         \& |(cf)| \phantom{00} \\
|(r00)| 00             \& |(0)|  \phantom{0} \& |(1)|  \phantom{0} \& |(3)|  \phantom{0} \& |(2)|  \phantom{0} \&                     \\
|(r01)| 01             \& |(4)|  \phantom{0} \& |(5)|  \phantom{0} \& |(7)|  \phantom{0} \& |(6)|  \phantom{0} \&                     \\
|(r11)| 11             \& |(12)| \phantom{0} \& |(13)| \phantom{0} \& |(15)| \phantom{0} \& |(14)| \phantom{0} \&                     \\
|(r10)| 10             \& |(8)|  \phantom{0} \& |(9)|  \phantom{0} \& |(11)| \phantom{0} \& |(10)| \phantom{0} \&                     \\
|(rf) | \phantom{00}   \&                    \&                    \&                    \&                    \&                     \\
\draw ([yshift=1mm]c01.north west)--([yshift=1mm]c11.north east) node[midway,above]{d};
\draw ([yshift=-4mm]11.south west)--([yshift=-4mm]10.south east) node[midway,below]{c};
\draw ([xshift=-2mm]r01.north west)--([xshift=-2mm]r11.south west) node[midway,left]{b};
\draw ([xshift=4mm]14.north east)--([xshift=4mm]10.south east) node[midway,right]{a};

%Empty Karnaugh map 2x4
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.north),scale=0.8]
\draw (0,0) grid (4,2);
\draw (0,2) -- node [pos=0.7,above right,anchor=south west] {bc} node [pos=0.7,below left,anchor=north east] {a} ++(135:1);
\matrix (mapa) [matrix of nodes,
        column sep={0.8cm,between origins},
        row sep={0.8cm,between origins},
        every node/.style={minimum size=0.3mm},,
        ampersand replacement=\&] at (0.5,0.5)
                       \& |(c00)| 00         \& |(c01)| 01         \& |(c11)| 11         \& |(c10)| 10         \& |(cf)| \phantom{00} \\
|(r00)| 0             \& |(0)|  \phantom{0} \& |(1)|  \phantom{0} \& |(3)|  \phantom{0} \& |(2)|  \phantom{0} \&                     \\
|(r01)| 1             \& |(4)|  \phantom{0} \& |(5)|  \phantom{0} \& |(7)|  \phantom{0} \& |(6)|  \phantom{0} \&                     \\
|(rf) | \phantom{00}   \&                    \&                    \&                    \&                    \&                     \\
\draw ([yshift=2mm]c01.north west)--([yshift=2mm]c11.north east) node[midway,above]{c};
\draw ([yshift=-4mm]7.south west)--([yshift=-4mm]6.south east) node[midway,below]{b};
\draw ([xshift=-2mm]r01.north west)--([xshift=-2mm]r01.south west) node[midway,left]{a};


%Defines 8 or 16 values (0,1,X)
\foreach \x [count=\xi from 0]  in {#1}
     \path (\xi) node {\x};

%Places 1 in listed positions
    \foreach \x in {#1}
        \path (\x) node {1};

%Places 0 in listed positions
    \foreach \x in {#1}
        \path (\x) node {0};

%Places X in listed positions
    \foreach \x in {#1}
        \path (\x) node {X};



Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:09 am

Re: Rectangles around Table Cells

Post by barrera »

I improved a little the code that I copied here (now you can draw maps up to 3x3 variables) and put it inside this .sty file, to use like a package. Feel free to use it.
For free use.
(11.78 KiB) Downloaded 506 times
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