LyXUnable to use a package in Lyx that was installed in Miktex

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Unable to use a package in Lyx that was installed in Miktex

Post by Ultrafox »

As the previous question was answered so quickly I'll try another newbie problem.
Previously I was told that by using the command

Code: Select all

I can use the bussproofs.sty in LyX after I had installed it using MiKTeX. It worked. I also did this for some other packages and it worked as expected. But for this one it did not work: ... ofs/taylor

Its identifier in MiKTeX is proofs.
If I try using this with some appropriate code I get the error in LyX: "file proofs.sty not found" and the description "cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes" ?

What did I do wrong? I used the same command \usepackage{proofs}
and did all the steps (like reconfigured LyX).
When I look at the proof package in MiKTeX I see that it does not contain "proofs.sty". Is this the problem? If so, then what should I write instead of "\usepackage{proofs}" to use the macros in the package?

Thanks for any info.

Vista, LyX 2.0.5
Last edited by cgnieder on Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Unable to use a package in Lyx that was installed in Miktex

Post by meho_r »

Always look at the exact name of the .sty file, that's the one you should use when loading a package. In this case, it is prooftree.sty, not proofs. So, load it by the command:

Code: Select all

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