LyXHow to use a package/style in LyX installed in Miktex

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How to use a package/style in LyX installed in Miktex

Post by Ultrafox »

I just installed LyX and have no prior experience using LaTeX. I have the following problem:
I used MiKTeX to install a package. (Or style or whatever it is: bussproofs.sty. You can make natural deduction trees etc. using it.)
After this I also used the "reconfigure" button in Tools in LyX. And restarted LyX.

I tried inserting some code using the "Insert TeX code", I took the code from the user manual for bussproofs: ... Guide2.pdf

For example a snippet from page 3:

Code: Select all

But when I try to view this in LyX I get the error "Undefined control sequence", actually three of these.
What am I doing wrong, how can I use the package in LyX?

I'm running Vista and LyX 2.0.5
Last edited by cgnieder on Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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How to use a package/style in LyX installed in Miktex

Post by meho_r »

Since you installed the package using MikTeX, it should be ready for use. To load a package, you use \usepackage command. So, in LyX, all you have to do is to load the package by:

1. Going to Document > Settings > Preamble
2. Typing in the preamble the following:

Code: Select all

After that, try compiling your document again.
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Re: How to use a package/style in LyX installed in Miktex

Post by Ultrafox »

Yes thanks, I just figured that out about 15 seconds ago!
The only difference is that in my editor the path is Document>Settings>LaTex Preamble

It seems to be working. Thank you.
I found the solution here:
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