First of all the ToC. The problem is, the names for the nomenclature and the references are still not upper case. I managed to display "Abbildungsverzehnis" and "Tabellenverzehnis" in upper case by changing the following code.
Code: Select all
Maybe this is a somehow bad way of doing this, but it works for me. But for the nomenclature and the references this doesn't work since they are implemented in the ToC automatically and not by such a code.
Display of contents entries are controlled by tocloft package as well as titletoc package (which is a part of titlesec package), so, as we changed numbered entries (chapters) to uppercase, we can do the same for unnumbered entries by adding
command. So, in the preamble, find the following line of code and make sure you have
commands for both numbered and unnumbered entries, like this:
Code: Select all
{\contentslabel{1.5em}\uppercase}% numbered entries
{\hspace*{-1.5em}\uppercase}% unnumbered entries
The heading for "Inhaltsverzeichnis" is supposed to be the same font as the names for the Chapters (for example "1 Einleitung"). Somehow the font for "Inhaltsverzeichnis" is bigger than the one for the chapters.
You can change the title of the TOC manually and change font size on the fly So, this goes above the TOC:
Code: Select all
If you have a look at the pages for LoF and LoT, you will see a different font for "Abbildungsverzeichnis" and "Tabellenverzeichnis" and this is even if I use your code for the Layout. Where is the error here?
Instead of hunting for the error, here's the solution: you use the code provided by tocloft package to change appearance of titles for TOC, LOF and LOT. So, this goes above the TOC:
Code: Select all
You already have the code for LOT and LOF at the beginning of the document, just place them in front of LOT and LOF, respectively, instead of putting the code at the very beginning. This goes in front of the LOF:
Code: Select all
and this goes above the LOT:
Code: Select all
Remember, titles are controlled by titlesec packages, and contents entries (TOC, LOF, LOT) are controlled by titletoc and tocloft packages, so those are the first places you should take a look at.
If you have a look at the LoT and nomenclature (Abkürzungsverzeichnis), you will see that they also have different fonts. In addition, the space between the header and the "Tabellenverzeichnis" and the space between the header and "Abkürzungsverzeichnis" are different. I can't find the problem where this comes from. Additionally, the headers display the wrong name in the upper right corner for the nomenclature page. Here it should display "Abkürzungsverzeichnis" and not "Tabellenverzeichnis".
A dirty approach for the spacing above the title: redefine
\titlespacing{chapter} before the nomenclature. Add the following:
Code: Select all
Change *2.5 to some higher value, until you're happy with the result.
Don't forget to reset this after the nomenclature.
For the page style, try doing the same as you did for TOC: redefine plain page style. So, in front of the nomenclature, add the following:
Code: Select all
\fancypagestyle{plain}{% This should solve the header/footer problem
\fancyfoot[C]{\textbf \Large -\thepage-}
I put
Abkürzungsverzeichnis instead of previously used
Again the nomenclature page has a wrong format itself. The text "CAD" should be left aligned and the test "Computer Aided Design" should be right aligned. In between those two there should be dots to fill the space. How can I achieve this?
With this, I'm afraid I can't help you. Try asking a question about nomenclature in general, not in the LyX subforum, maybe someone can point you in the right direction.