Generalsuppressing quote replacement

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suppressing quote replacement

Post by alexis »

I have enabled the "automatic replacement of quotation marks", and I don't want to disable it; but how do I insert a REAL double quote? I need them now and then, e.g., for an umlaut \" or to enclose a BibTeX string; but once replacement is enabled, the " key will always give me `` or '' no matter what I try.

I've seen no mention of the problem (or the solution :-) anywhere-- am I missing something obvious? I can't imagine that nobody else finds this a problem...

Thanks, A-

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suppressing quote replacement

Post by klumpp »

Well, I don't know a real solution to this problem, but maybe some workarounds ;)
I use in the header

Code: Select all

Code, edit and compile here:
this enables me to write directly german Umlaute like ä, ö, ü without \".
With the right editor this works for Win as well as for Linux.
Of course the problem with bibtex can't be solved in this way, but maybe you want the consider using JabRef to edit your bibtex files. It is a very powerful tool managing bibtex files.

I hope this will help you.
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suppressing quote replacement

Post by alexis »

klumpp wrote: Well, I don't know a real solution to this problem, but maybe some workarounds ;)

A belated thanks! I'm afraid this doesn't really help, except in confirming that i'm not missing the obvious :-(

I don't need a German keyboard, but indeed there are any number of other applications one can use. I use emacs myself. But how a sophisticated application like TXC could manage to leave this out is beyond me...
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suppressing quote replacement

Post by craigim »

You could try disabling the 'replace quotation marks' and then doing something like:

Code: Select all

Code, edit and compile here:
Or, keep the 'replace quotation marks' and do:

Code: Select all

Or do what I do, and disable it and then train yourself to just type `` and '' whenever you need to quote someone. Having said that, it would be nice if there was a hot key to enable/disable, or an option to type ctrl-' to get a real double quote.
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