Graphics, Figures & Tablespgfplots | Shading certain parts of the coordinate grid

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pgfplots | Shading certain parts of the coordinate grid

Post by niles »


Please see the MWE:

Code: Select all


\addplot3 coordinates {(0,0,0) (0,0.5,1) (0,1,0)};
What I am trying to do is to shade certain rectangles in the coordinate-grid. Specifically the strip/area I am talking about is

-0.5..0 on the x-axis
0..1 on the y-axis
0..1 on the z-axis

and it should be shaded in e.g. grey such as to show what area I am referring to in the text.

I couldn't seem to find an example of this in the manual. Thanks for any help/hints in advance.


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pgfplots | Shading certain parts of the coordinate grid

Post by cgnieder »

Hi Niles,

I probably haven't understood which region you wanted to fill but I think this'll help you anyway. By using the coordinate system axis cs you have access to points of the axis environment and can use normal tikz:

Code: Select all



    (axis cs:-.5,0,0) -- (axis cs:-.5,0,1) -- (axis cs:-.5,1,1) -- (axis cs:-.5,1,0) -- cycle ;
    (axis cs:-.5,0,0) -- (axis cs:0,0,0) -- (axis cs:0,1,0) -- (axis cs:-.5,1,0) -- cycle ;
  \addplot3 coordinates {(0,0,0) (0,0.5,1) (0,1,0)};

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Re: pgfplots | Shading certain parts of the coordinate grid

Post by niles »

Thanks, it works!
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