GeneralRuntime error when running TeXnicCenter and JabRef

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Runtime error when running TeXnicCenter and JabRef

Post by derC »

Hi, I had the same anoying problem.

I fixed it with removing the entry ("bib", "*.bib", "rekursiv", "schützen") under "Optionen" -> "Aufräumen" in TeXnicCenter. I'm using a german version so in english it should be something like: remove ("bib", "*.bib", "recursive", "protect") under "options" -> "clean up". Maybe you don't need to remove it but just change the action to do nothing.

Now I can use JabRef simultaneously.
All kinds of updating were useless before.
My versions are TC 1.0 RC 1 and JabRef 2.8.1.

hope this helps :)

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