I have generated a PS-file, containg the following code:
Code: Select all
\usepackage{pstricks, pst-node, pst-plot, pst-circ}
paperwidth = 11.508871cm, % add 0.5%
paperheight= 5.0827586cm, % add 0.5%
lmargin = -5.25mm, % do not know why this offset is needed.
rmargin = 0mm, %
tmargin = 0mm, %
bmargin = 0mm, %
% Global Parameters that can be changed:
\providelength{\AxesLineWidth} \setlength{\AxesLineWidth}{0.5pt}%
\providelength{\GridLineWidth} \setlength{\GridLineWidth}{0.4pt}%
\providelength{\GridLineDotSep} \setlength{\GridLineDotSep}{0.4pt}%
\providelength{\MinorGridLineWidth} \setlength{\MinorGridLineWidth}{0.4pt}%
\providelength{\MinorGridLineDotSep} \setlength{\MinorGridLineDotSep}{0.8pt}%
\providelength{\plotwidth} \setlength{\plotwidth}{10cm}% width of the axes only
\providelength{\LineWidth} \setlength{\LineWidth}{0.7pt}%
\providelength{\MarkerSize} \setlength{\MarkerSize}{4pt}%
\newrgbcolor{GridColor}{0.8 0.8 0.8}%
I have tried varying the measures of the geometry-package, but it doesn't help at all. Can anyone spot the error?
Thanks in advance.