GeneralReal time viewing of PS or DVI?

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Real time viewing of PS or DVI?

Post by yacobito »

Hello All,

I am completely new to the LaTeX environment, trying to learn for the purpose of writing academic papers. My advisor tells me I should be able to setup my LaTeX editor to view in semi-real time the complied output in another window.

I am using TeXnicCenter 1.0 Stable Release Candidate 1 along with MiKTeX 2.9 on a 64bit Windows 7 machine. Is what he is asking for plausible given my setup?

I have read on other sites that you can script it to essentially build and view continuously, but the site has no info and how to do that.

As a side note, I am able to build and view => PS, PDF and DVI just fine, but not in a quasi-real time fashion as my advisor wants me to figure out.

I am would be more than happy to supply any needed information.


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