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Author index with apacite, subject index and hyperref

Post by butfilter »


I have the following problem. I would like to create hyperlinks in the subject index while additionally having the author index in the document. I generate the author index with a bib file and apacite with the option index or emindex. The subject index is generated with the makeidx package. As a result, the entries in the author index as well as in the reference list are linked with the corresponding points in the text. However, links in the subject index are not activated. If I enable the options for making author index in apacite, everything works alright, i.e. links in the subject index are active.

Enclosed, please find a short sample file example.tex, lit.bib and the generated example.pdf where you can see how I proceeded. I would be very grateful if you could give me any hint how to make the links in the subject index active too.

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Author index with apacite, subject index and hyperref

Post by localghost »

Just for information to other users for awareness of possibly already existing solutions. The question has also been posted to goLaTeX and MrUnix (two German LaTeX forums).
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Author index with apacite, subject index and hyperref

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


welcome to the board!


Code: Select all

makeindex -o example.and example.adx
run also standard makeindex, i.e.

Code: Select all

makeindex example
When I did that, I got the normal index with hyperlinks as well:
index.png (3.77 KiB) Viewed 24194 times
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Re: Author index with apacite, subject index and hyperref

Post by butfilter »

Hi Stefan,

many thanks for your response. I have tried what you did but unfotunately I still obtain the same as before. Links in the subject index are not activated. I have no idea where the problem lies. Could you tell me which steps you exactly do while compiling the tex file?
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Author index with apacite, subject index and hyperref

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Well, there are some steps (pdfLaTeX, bibtex, pdfLaTeX twice, separate makeindex runs), I hardly remember now which produced all hyperlinks. Maybe it's a workaround to produce the apacite index, remove it from the document source (exept its \printindex line), run makeindex normally and compile again. This could be what I made during testing.

There are packages for creating multiple indexes, such as index, imakeidx, splitindex, multind. apacite may use index. However, it's probably not compatible with other multi-index packages and hyperref regarding multiple linking.

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Author index with apacite, subject index and hyperref

Post by butfilter »

for all of you who are interested in the solution: loading of package index seems to do the trick. Attached you can find the new tex file example.tex that produces the desired output.

Code: Select all




This is a book by \citeA{HK}.
This is a very famous approach.\index{approach}
This is a very powerful function.\index{function}



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Re: Author index with apacite, subject index and hyperref

Post by harwijn »

I've been trying the same with this MWE but the author index fails to print. It seems there's no input of authors in the .ind. Any ideas what went wrong? Normal index works fine.
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Author index with apacite, subject index and hyperref

Post by cgnieder »

harwijn wrote:I've been trying the same with this MWE but the author index fails to print. It seems there's no input of authors in the .ind. Any ideas what went wrong? Normal index works fine.
Hi and welcome to the forum. It seems to me you have a new question (albeit related to this one). Would you mind opening a new thread with a Infominimal working example showing what doesn't work? (If the background is needed you can easily link to this thread for information)

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Author index with apacite, subject index and hyperref

Post by vanessaca »

Hi Stefan or anyone else who might help me out,
I'm super new to latex and just trying to set up myself a kind of template for my masterthesis.
I'm using the apacite package and struggle with the author index.
I read the pdf of apacite, but I actually have no clue how the step that you describe as well shall work. Where shall I put the code "makeindex -o example.and example.adx" in?
I work with Mac and TeXShop. As far as I could get through googling over a day was that TeXShop has no command line in which it should normally go, so I typed the command in Terminal, which tells me "Input index file APAciting.adx not found." It does definitely exist in it's folder. If anyone could give me a step by step description, that would be great, I cannot find much over google and the forums seem to link to each other in a circle if it comes to this problem.
Kind regards,

Stefan Kottwitz wrote:Hi,

welcome to the board!


Code: Select all

makeindex -o example.and example.adx
run also standard makeindex, i.e.

Code: Select all

makeindex example
When I did that, I got the normal index with hyperlinks as well:

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Author index with apacite, subject index and hyperref

Post by Johannes_B »

Welcome to the forum.

This thread is very old. Would you mind opening a new thread? Right now, I am not quite sure what you are trying to achieve.
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