GeneralFinding the location of an error or warning

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Finding the location of an error or warning

Post by LightYear »

Apologies is this is a FAQ or obvious, but I've failed to create a search to save myself.

I expect there is a way to find the point in the source file that generated an error or warning in the (pdflatex) build output. I assumed a simple double-click of the error in the Build tab of the Output text box would take me to the offending line, but it does not. Is there something I'm missing?

My workflow is to create the .tex file in TeXnicCenter (1.0 RC1) then hit the "Build current file" button in the toolbar. The pdfTeX (version 3.1415926-1.40.11) output then appears in the Build tab. I then hit the "Next Error" button in the toolbar which shows me the error in the build output. I expect there is then a way to find which part of my .tex file created the error, but I can't find it!

I've noticed that bad boxes include the line number, and that by turning on line numbers in TeXnicCenter options, I can manually scroll to the offending line. Useful, but could be better?

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