GeneralUnable to "insert label"

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Unable to "insert label"

Post by multipole »

I use TeXnicCenter 1.0 stable rc1

Trivial question:
I want to insert label in equation. Of course I can write it manually and it works but I suppose that should be possible with right click on equation in "Navigator" window, and choosing "insert label" from context menu.

But for some reason it is not possible - right click on some equation gives context menu with grayed "insert label", "insert reference" and "insert reference to page", so they are not clickable at all!

On the other side - right click on Headers (in Navigator) works fine!

I am obviously missing something.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Unable to "insert label"

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


perhaps try TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 4, it can be installed alongside with 1.0.

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Unable to "insert label"

Post by stromovka »

The "insert label" command is used to insert an alrady specified label of that item. For example, if you have an equation defined as

Code: Select all

Then, upon clicking on "insert label", TeXnicCenter (TXC) will insert eq:simple and, if you click "insert reference", TXC will write \eqref{eq:simple}.

So, if you want to add a label to an equation, you should include the \label statement manually (unless another way to do that exists).
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