I have installed TeX Live 2012 on a Linux CentOS 5.8 via the user "root". The installation has been placed at "/usr/local/texlive/2012".
but for some reason, some pk font files were placed at "/root/.texlive2012/texmf-var/fonts/pk".
Now, when I run
Code: Select all
dvips -Ppk input.tex
I tried copying the contents of "/root/.texlive2012/texmf-var/fonts/pk" to various places like
Code: Select all
I tried also to add user1 to the group in the permissions of "/root/.texlive2012/texmf-var/fonts/pk" and its sub-folders, but also it didn't work.
Do you have any hint how to resolve this?
Note: I am a beginner on Linux, so I am sorry if the question was simple.