Fonts & Character SetsUmlaute do not work anymore

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Umlaute do not work anymore

Post by Montag »


I have no idea what happened, but I have a weird problem suddenly. The thing is, I am 100 % sure I did not change anything in my MikTeX 2.9 installation.
  • Editor: TXC 2 Alpha 4 -- Installed in late March, it has been working fine ever since.
  • Distribution: MikTeX 2.9 (x64) -- Installed shortly after it came out. In face, I re-installed a rather recent packaged version (Basic Installer) today after a re-boot.
  • OS: Win 7 with all updates
I simply cannot pinpoint what exactly is causing the trouble.

The PDF-file is produced like this with every font I've tried so far: Latin Modern, TeX Gyre Termes, Palatino (also the TeX Gyre version) ...

About the source file:
  • It only consists of the preamble and the word "über" with the umlaut ü.
  • Concerning the preamble: I these lines like this for years now.
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OS: Win 7 64-bit LaTeX: MikTeX 2.9 64-bit Editor: TXC 1 RC1

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Umlaute do not work anymore

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

I guess the file is not in ansinew encoding. Try utf8 instead. When I tested it and wrote ü within an utf8 encoded file, but stated ansinew, I got exactly this wrong output. Switching to utf8 fixed it, of course.

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Umlaute do not work anymore

Post by localghost »

I would replace the inputenc package by these lines.

Code: Select all

\usepackage{selinput}    % semi-automatic determination
\SelectInputMappings{    % of input encoding by
  adieresis={ä},         % a list of selected glyphs
  germandbls={ß},        % see:

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Umlaute do not work anymore

Post by Montag »

Did it. Worked flawlessy with this MWE, but it increased the number of errors from 0 to 37 in my actual document. The first error message is this:

Code: Select all

\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.1}Das Horv\GenericError {(inputenc) }{Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u 8:áth not set up for use with LaTeX}{See the inputenc package documentation for explanation.}{
The crucial word here is "Horváth". I even switched to \'{a}, but it still won't work. Same error messaage occurs.

I am thorougly confused. Why does this happen now? :?: :?: It even happens with TXC RC 1. The package 'inputenc' was a safe way to go for a long time.

localghost, with this code I get the same error message as before.
OS: Win 7 64-bit LaTeX: MikTeX 2.9 64-bit Editor: TXC 1 RC1
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Umlaute do not work anymore

Post by localghost »

Montag wrote:[…] with this code I get the same error message as before.
Could you be a bit clearer and attach the corresponding log file?
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Umlaute do not work anymore

Post by Montag »

Sure, there you go:
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OS: Win 7 64-bit LaTeX: MikTeX 2.9 64-bit Editor: TXC 1 RC1
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Re: Umlaute do not work anymore

Post by localghost »

Actually I expected a file called »umlaute-do-not-work.log« that corresponds to the example that you presented at the beginning. m(
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Umlaute do not work anymore

Post by Montag »

Oh, ok. Well, I made a new MWE because I still can't get it to work like I have done for ~ 6-7 years. I do not understand what changed.
My guess is: I think TXC 2 Alpha 4 might be somewhat buggy after all and / or my MikTeX installation is broken.
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OS: Win 7 64-bit LaTeX: MikTeX 2.9 64-bit Editor: TXC 1 RC1
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Umlaute do not work anymore

Post by localghost »

Montag wrote:[…] Well, I made a new MWE because I still can't get it to work like I have done for ~ 6-7 years.[…]
The attached source file is not a proper minimal example. Furthermore I think that the problem can be reduced to a much more simple example.

But a posteriori I can say that TXC2 tends to change the encoding on its own. That's only one reason why I strongly recommend against this editor.

I suggest to build the most simple example inside TXC2 and test the various methods of determination for input encoding like I mentioned in one of my earlier replies.
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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Re: Umlaute do not work anymore

Post by Montag »

Thank you for replying. I ditched TXC 2 as it was too much of a hassle to deal with. TXC R1 it is then.
OS: Win 7 64-bit LaTeX: MikTeX 2.9 64-bit Editor: TXC 1 RC1
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