Hi have an overlapping problem with a figure. I am creating my figures in Gnuplot with epslatex. I am also using the multiplot option. My figure is OK so far, but I have a problem when inserting it into the latex document, since it overlap with the description of the figure. Here I attach the figure, and this is the code that I am using:
Code: Select all
set terminal epslatex
set size 1,1
set origin 0.0,0.0
set logscale x
set xrange[500:10000]
set multiplot
set output 'filename.tex'
set origin 0.0,0.0
set size 1,0.75
set tmarg 0
set bmarg 0
set lmarg 7
set rmarg 3
set format x ""
unset key
set logscale y
set yrange[1:8]
set ytics(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
set ylabel "Spectra"
set style line 1 lt 1 lw 3 lc rgb "red"
set style line 2 lt 1 lw 3 lc rgb 'green'
set style line 4 lt 1 lw 3 lc rgb 'blue'
set style line 3 lt 1 lw 3 pt 7 lc rgb "black"
set key right bottom
set point 1.3
plot 'data1.dat' u 1:(($3*0.908173)/4) w l ls 1 t '$\beta=5.4905$',\
'data2.dat' u 1:(($3*0.908173)/4) w l ls 2 t '$\beta=6.19$',\
'data3.dat' u 1:2 w l ls 4 t 'Blue',\
'data4.dat' using 1:2:3 with yerrorbars ls 3 not ,\
'data4.dat' using 1:2 ls 3 t 'N'
set origin 0.0,-0.25
set size 1,0.25
unset logscale y
set tmarg 0
set bmarg 0
set lmarg 7
set rmarg 3
set xlabel "$l$"
set format x "%g"
set yrange[-10:10]
set ytics -10,5,5
set xlabel "$l$"
set ylabel "Residual"
set arrow 1 from graph 0, first 0 rto graph 1,0 nohead lt 1 lw 1 lc 0
set style line 1 lt 1 lw 3 lc rgb "red"
set style line 2 lt 1 lw 3 lc rgb 'green'
set style line 4 lt 1 lw 3 lc rgb 'blue'
plot 'data5.dat' u 1:2 w l ls 1 not,\
'data6.dat' u 1:2 w l ls 2 not,\
'data7.dat' u 1:2 w l ls 4 not
set output
unset multiplot
I appreciate if someone can help me!