General"universal" directory seach path, Miktex under texnic

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"universal" directory seach path, Miktex under texnic

Post by brans »

I am running this under MS XP. My input/include files reside in many directories, with
multi-branched subdirectories all included under (say) C:/x/. Thus, there is no simple
LINEAR path to all of them, except that they are at subdirectories at SOME level, not
known a priori, under C:/x/.

This can be accommodated easily in VTeX (also under MS XP) by choosing a single setting
option looking like C:/x// which does not need to be changed or renewed on each
run. Also, the same is true in Linux, by setting TEXINPUTS to :/x//

Is there any reasonable way to do this by means of ONE, FIXED setting like
the above within either Miktex itself, or Texnic???


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"universal" directory seach path, Miktex under texnic

Post by T3. »

You can use TEXINPUTS with MiKTeX in the same way.

Code: Select all

set TEXINPUTS=C:/x//;%TEXINPUTS%& latex file.tex
For setting up the environment permanently for your editor see this recent thread.


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