MiKTeX and proTeXtName Space full during installation

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Name Space full during installation

Post by Pointertovoid »

Hello everyone and everybody!

I've tried to install the complete bundle (1.13GB!) of MikTeX 2.8 on Windows (Xp sp3 to begin with, the final machine being W2k, hence the choice of v2.8) and, near the end of the installation, it tells approximately "the name space is full" and adios, bye bye.

The final machine will have no access to the Internet, not even during the installation, hence the complete bundle - though I certainly won't use 1% of it.

What's the solution? Sorry if it's obvious - elementary - well known, but I didn't find it.

Thank you!

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Name Space full during installation

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

How about installing TeX Live? The version 2012 will be published in a few days. For now, a pretest version is availale. There will also be a DVD ISO available for download, it is already the case for TeX Live 2011.

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Name Space full during installation

Post by Pointertovoid »

Good idea!

I'll give it a try at the end of my monthly Internet contract, as it's about 1GB as well.

Meanwhile I'd like to try MikTeX further, since this one is recommended by most front-ends and I have downloaded it already.

What if I suppress some of the 2301 files from the installation folder: bug later, or just some classes fewer, which I won't need all?
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