GeneralTeXnicCenter 2 Installation in a Windows 7 User Account

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TeXnicCenter 2 Installation in a Windows 7 User Account

Post by Celleb »


So I am a bloody beginner and wanted to start working with LaTeX today. I installed MiKTeX and TeXnicCenter 2 alpha 4 (64bit). Alpha due to German language support.

When I tried to install TeXnicCenter (TXC) in my Windows 7 user account I received an error message saying that the installer does not have the appropriate permissions to write. So I canceled the installation process and ran it as an admin.

I was able to start the program however I was not able to use the templates folder I got from my university. I copied it into "projects" but it wouldn't show up in the program. Even the pre-installed templates do not show up (Deutsch, Deutsch erweitert, English, English advanced). Only when I run the program as an admin I can see the pre-installed and my university's template. But even then the university template seems to have double entries!

I don't want to run the program as an admin every time so I tried to uninstall and re-install it with user privileges. This time it prompted me the password dialog for admin's privileges instead of showing an error message and then installed. But it seems like it uses old configuration files because I can still see the additional templates locations I defined in "options". So re-installing didn't really help...

My questions are: Thank you very much!

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