In the previous years I circumvented in a rather strange way the using of the Hebrew characters. Since I use Hungarian and Hebrew together, I used HE8 and T1 fontenc, and latin2 and cp1255 inputenc (with Culmus fonts) in MikTeX 2.9 and GhostScript 9.05 (Win7 64 bit). I've written in Word the Hebrew thing that I needed, than I copied to TeXnicCenter. Since TXC didn't support UTF input, I saw Latin letters with strange diacritics (úĚŔäÄěĚČä ěŔăČĺÄă instead of תְּהִלָּה לְדָוִד). I know that it wasn't the most elegant and smartest way to have these two languages in one text, but at least it was working.
Now I downloaded the new TXC2 alpha, and I'm glad to see that there's UTF support in the editor (and many-many other good things). The only problem that I can't write in Hebrew in the direct way (and naturally other editors don't transform the Hebrew script to a strange Latin one, so I can't use the old way). I suppose the problem is with the inputenc, but I have no clue how should I get it work. So any help is appreciated.
Here's my source code attached (be careful, it won't work, unless you save the .tex file in ANSI):
Code: Select all
\def\culmusfranknikudscale{1.1} % Rescaling
% The strange way to switch language and encoding each time
\begin{otherlanguage}{magyar}\inputencoding{latin2}\normalfont #1
\kazihu{Using this command, I could use Hungarian diacritics, such as: öüóőúéáűí.}
\R{ůŃŔîÇň éÄůŇŔřČŕĹě, éŔéČ ŕÁěÉäĹéđĺĚ, éŔéČ ŕĆçČă:}
\kazihu{És mondják:}\R{ůŃŔîÇň éÄůŇŔřČŕĹě, éŔéČ ŕÁěÉäĹéđĺĚ, éŔéČ ŕĆçČă:}