Graphics, Figures & Tablessubfig | Two Labels, but only one Caption

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subfig | Two Labels, but only one Caption

Post by freethebee »


I was just messing with subfig to be able to refer to figures as figure (a) and figure (b), but I can't seem to find out how to prevent it from creating captions for the individual figures as well. What I would like is for example a main label and two sub-labels, but only one caption that spans the text width like,

Figure 1: (a) some stuff describing fig a, and (b) Some other text related to fig b.

Can subfig do this, or should I use something else or just forget about it?

I have a bit of a deadline, otherwise I would have spend some more time with the documentation :)

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Stefan Kottwitz
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subfig | Two Labels, but only one Caption

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

freethebee wrote:I have a bit of a deadline, otherwise I would have spend some more time with the documentation :)
in general, if you are in a hurry post some specific code to get a working fix.

Here, I guess, without consulting the documentation, a caption is required to get a label for referencing, since the caption command implicitly increments the subfigure counter. Regarding your deadline, I guess it would be easier to make a workaround and to manually add a reference to the automatic reference of the main label.

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subfig | Two Labels, but only one Caption

Post by Frits »

This is done by using the subfig package, without assigning a caption between square brackets to the subfloat command:

Code: Select all




\caption{(a) some stuff describing fig a, and (b) Some other text related to fig b.}

Test: \ref{fig:fig2} or \ref{fig:figures}.

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subfig | Two Labels, but only one Caption

Post by freethebee »

I think I was a bit too quick posting. I quickly googled the syntax and used this

Code: Select all

Basically I generate an empty caption by putting the label in the optional parameter for the caption, so an empty caption with just (a) or (b) is created.

If I write like this,

Code: Select all

it does not create subcaptions.
Thanks for the quick responses.

[edit]Added an s to response[/edit]
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