Document Classesminitoc package - adding to the ToC

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minitoc package - adding to the ToC

Post by Frank »

I have been working on a project for which I want to use the minitoc package. However, I keep encountering a problem when I try to add something to the main Table of Contents.

I have a style sheet that adds the List of Figures, List of Tables, List of Algorithms and the References to the main ToC. The problem is that if I try to add, for example, the LoF using

Code: Select all

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\numberline {}List of Figures}
the minitoc simply disappears in the chapter. If I remove the line, the minitoc reappears.

I have included a simple tex file, with a simplified version of a custom style sheet I use, for you to experiment with (in case there is another problem I have not tracked down :? ).

I would appreciate any suggestions...

P.S. I am using TeXnicCenter 1 Beta 7.01 and MiKteX 2.5.
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minitoc package - adding to the ToC

Post by Frank »

I managed to find two ways of solving the problem I had encountered. I simply replaced the

Code: Select all

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\numberline {}List of Tables}

Code: Select all

\mtcaddchapter[List of Tables]

Code: Select all

\addstarredchapter{List of Tables}
After struggling with the problem for a few days, I manage to find two methods soon after I post the problem. I had missed it in the minitoc.pdf (pp. 32-33) previously. Annoying.
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