GeneralHow to have nested sections?

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How to have nested sections?

Post by acombo »

Dear All,

First of all, let me say that I'm a REALLY newbie on LaTeX (just run out of patience with MSWord!!!)... So, please be patient with my doubts :).

Back to the point...

I'm writing a document (book class), but (since it is a technical one) it has a VERY DEEP sectioning.

From what I have seen, LaTeX has \section, \subsection and \subsubsection (followed by \paragraph). This should result (if proper formatted) in something like:

1. First Heading
1.1. First Sub-Heading
1.1.1. First SubSub-Heading

But I actually need more depth... something like: First abyssal-Heading

I could not find an "easy" way to do that.
I believe that the only way to achieve that is to define new environments (and style them), but I think the best way to be sure is to ask.

If I'm wrong, can you please provide a solution?
If I'm right, Do you know any free default styling's? (It's hard for a newbie to do something with a minimally "professional look".)

Thank you very much for your feddback.


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How to have nested sections?

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

If this is a book, then something like Howdy
would be coded like

Code: Select all

% Before or right after \begin{document}
% Insert rest of document
The secnumdepth counter means to give section numbers for all headings below that level (-1 = part, 0 = chapter, 1 = section, 2 = subsection, 3 = subsubsection, 4 = paragraph, 5 = subparagraph). The default value of secnumdepth is 3, if I recall correctly.

If you need more divisions than subparagraphs, you'll have to define a new sectioning command. However, if you have that many subdivisions, I might recommend reorganizing your document!
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