Generalbeamer | Compilation yields no Output

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beamer | Compilation yields no Output

Post by garbage5mx »

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to compile a beamer document that worked perfectly with MiKTeX 2.7 and the past version of TeXnicCenter in the newest version of both. Everything seems to be fine because the file doesn't report an error but there's no output file, no pages, no nothing!

Attached the document to give you more detail.

Thanks in advance!!

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Stefan Kottwitz
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beamer | Compilation yields no Output

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi César,

please try to reduce code examples before posting to the forum. Otherwise it's hard to check your file. You could save much work for all readers if you would remove what is not relevant for the problem. Hacking down to get a minimal example could help to locate the problem.

Here, possibly it's your definition with \textquestiondown, the macro name is a special symbol which doesn't work with TeX when I tested it. Or you used the wrong engine - pstricks which you loaded requires LaTeX in DVI mode (or a package such as auto-pst-pdf) and would not simply run with pdfTeX.

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Re: beamer | Compilation yields no Output

Post by garbage5mx »

Hi Stefan,

Thank you very much for the answer. I will try to be more careful in future with the posted examples. Sorry for that. I'm trying to solve the problem taking off the \textquestiondown definition and adding auto-pst-pdf package, but the problem still there, even if i try to run a built example of a beamer user guide.

Also the .aux, log and other files that texniccenter used to create when you compile a file doesn´t appear.

Please find attached a new example that doesn't work too.

Thanks again!!!

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: beamer | Compilation yields no Output

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi César,

that's a nice small example for testing. It runs on my system with pdfLaTeX without error though. Could you please post your .log file, as attachment? It could show what's wrong. Perhaps you did not use pdfLaTeX but pdfTeX or any other engine or format, the .log file would tell it to us.

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Re: beamer | Compilation yields no Output

Post by garbage5mx »


I've run this example on other computer too and work without a problem as you say. Even more, the first example i posted runs right. I don't have any idea of what´s happening. Could it be something with the operating system (Windows Vista) or the MiKTeX 2.9 installation?

Please find attached the .log file of the tiny example. Hope you can see the problem.

Thank you very much again for the all the attentions.


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Stefan Kottwitz
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beamer | Compilation yields no Output

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

I see the .log file is truncated. This is the case with a known issue of MiKTeX together with TeXnicCenter. As you said you use both, it's probably the cause. Have a look at the MiKTeX 2.9 Known Issues, the point TeXnicCenter compatibility. Start the MiKTeX Options, which you can find in the Windows start menu, and change the setting for installing missing packages on-the-fly.

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Re: beamer | Compilation yields no Output

Post by garbage5mx »


I'm so sorry for the delay but have some health problems and can't answer earlier. I have the right settings for installing missing packages on-the-fly (tried both options, YES and NO). But problem still there. I don't have any idea of what's happening!!

I'm not able to run any beamer file!!

Do you have any other idea of what's the problem?


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Stefan Kottwitz
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beamer | Compilation yields no Output

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi César,
garbage5mx wrote:I have the right settings for installing missing packages on-the-fly (tried both options, YES and NO). But problem still there.
check if it is the same problem. Check if the log file has changed, if it's not just truncated but contains an error message. It could simply be another error which prevents output in the new situation.

Also, it could be a problem that your MiKTeX version is outdated. Have a look at the maintainer's end-of-life notice. Since more than one year, updates over the internet would not work, either way, manually or not.

So I suggest switch to MiKTeX 2.9 or consider installing TeX Live.

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Re: beamer | Compilation yields no Output

Post by garbage5mx »


Thank you very much for all the attentions and the time you invested trying to solve my problem.

What i have to do, was uninstall and install again MikTeX 2.9, then problem solved.
Now I'm able to run any Beamer file.

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