Document ClassesNomencl and Appendix page number query

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Nomencl and Appendix page number query

Post by GMathews »

Hello, I have two problems (still a beginner lol)

1. I need to add a nomenclature section to my report and i found a package called nomencl which i downloaded. I saw the .dtx and .ins files on CTAN but i didnt know what to do with it because the instruction was to open it in latex (?), so i found a nomencl.sty on the net, copied that to c:\localtexmf and updated the database. (I have installed packages like koma script previously with success)

After reading the manual I tried this code just to check if it works after running \usepackage nomencl in the preamble.

Code: Select all

Code, edit and compile here:
\nomenclature{$a$}{The number of angels per unit area\nomrefeqpage}%
\nomenclature{$N$}{The number of angels per needle point\nomrefeq}%
\nomenclature{$A$}{The area of the needle point\nomrefeq\nomrefpage}%
The equation $\sigma = m a$%
\nomenclature{$\sigma$}{The total mass of angels per unit area}%
\nomenclature{$m$}{The mass of one angel\nomrefpage}
follows easily.
I dont get any errors, but Im not getting any output!! All i get is the text 'The equation ... = ma'

2. I wanted my appendix to be page numbered in Roman Numerals. This is the code im using, as suggested by stefan_k which fixed my previous problem :

Code: Select all

Code, edit and compile here:
\chapter{Recalibration of the rotameter}
The experiment was performed under conditions of $21\,^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ and approximately 0.8 atm and the chart provided
was calibrated to different conditions of $15\,^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ and 1 atm. Hence this chart needed to be recalibrated to
suit the conditions of the experiment.
Pls help :D
Running Miktex 2.7 with TexnicCenter on Windows XP

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Nomencl and Appendix page number query

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi GMathews,
  1. I assume you are using MiKTeX. It should be easy to install nomencl by using the MiKTeX package manager. There is a MiKTeX package as I can see here on
    The instructions on CTAN meant just compile nomencl.ins with LaTeX (in TeXnicCenter or on the command line: latex
  2. use \pagenumbering:

    Code: Select all

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Nomencl and Appendix page number query

Post by GMathews »

Hello, did this in the command prompt

Code: Select all

latex nomencl.ins
and it produced these files (this is what appeared in the command window)

Code: Select all

Processing file nomencl.dtx (package) -> nomencl.sty
(sample01) -> sample01.cfg
(sample02) -> sample02.cfg
(sample04) -> sample04.cfg
(sample05) -> sample05.cfg
(driver) -> nomencl.drv
(idxstyle) ->
So I have produced these files, which i can see. What do i do with them? I tried copying them into C:\localtexmf, into the tex folder (like i did with fancyhdr and koma script) and updated the database. It still doesnt produce a nomenclature after i use the \printnomenclature command.

The code which i used for the nomenclature is the same as my first post and this is in the preamble : (from the manual)

Code: Select all

Code, edit and compile here:
I cant use the package manager because the computer im using to type the report (on which miktex is installed does not have internet :(

I seek your guidance again :)
Running Miktex 2.7 with TexnicCenter on Windows XP
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Nomencl and Appendix page number query

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


look for the file makeindex.exe, somewhere below the MiKTeX directory, put there.
Update your TeXnicCenter Outputprofile to run makeindex after compilation, have a look here.

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Re: Nomencl and Appendix page number query

Post by GMathews »

Thanks a lot :D :mrgreen:
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Re: Nomencl and Appendix page number query

Post by GMathews »

Hey Stefan

It doesnt work. Here is a screen shot of my texnicCenter settings which u recommended.

I noticed there is a nomencl.drv which also got produced when i ran the latex command on the nomencl.ins file.

CAn u just run through the steps again cause this is what i have done :

1. Run latex nomencl.ins in command prompt to get the files nomencl.sty,sample01.cfg, sample02.cfg,sample04.cfg, sample05.cfg, nomencl.drv,

2. copy all of them into C:\localtexmf\tex\latex\nomencl and update miktex.

3. Copy into the directory where makeindex.exe is, which is in the Miktex folder

4. Enter the settings on the output profile in TexNiCenter.

5. Enter the code into my lab1.tex as i have mentioned earlier.

Do u perhaps have another method of adding a nomenclature to my document?

nomencl.JPG (41.83 KiB) Viewed 12780 times
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Re: Nomencl and Appendix page number query

Post by GMathews »

Hope u got that :)
Running Miktex 2.7 with TexnicCenter on Windows XP
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Nomencl and Appendix page number query

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


try those arguments for the makeindex postprocessor:

Code: Select all

"%bm".nlo -s -o "%bm".nls
I have no Windows installed so I cannot just look for or test that.

Stefan admin
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Re: Nomencl and Appendix page number query

Post by GMathews »

It works :)

Only problem is that i need to keep deleting the files that nomencl creates every time i need to build, think it has an issue with overwriting the old ones.

But its cool lol

Thank you.
Running Miktex 2.7 with TexnicCenter on Windows XP
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Re: Nomencl and Appendix page number query

Post by GMathews »

Ok its working fully now, played around with it :)
Running Miktex 2.7 with TexnicCenter on Windows XP
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