1. I need to add a nomenclature section to my report and i found a package called nomencl which i downloaded. I saw the .dtx and .ins files on CTAN but i didnt know what to do with it because the instruction was to open it in latex (?), so i found a nomencl.sty on the net, copied that to c:\localtexmf and updated the database. (I have installed packages like koma script previously with success)
After reading the manual I tried this code just to check if it works after running \usepackage nomencl in the preamble.
Code: Select all
\nomenclature{$a$}{The number of angels per unit area\nomrefeqpage}%\nomenclature{$N$}{The number of angels per needle point\nomrefeq}%\nomenclature{$A$}{The area of the needle point\nomrefeq\nomrefpage}%The equation $\sigma = m a$%\nomenclature{$\sigma$}{The total mass of angels per unit area}%\nomenclature{$m$}{The mass of one angel\nomrefpage}follows easily.\printnomenclature
2. I wanted my appendix to be page numbered in Roman Numerals. This is the code im using, as suggested by stefan_k which fixed my previous problem :
Code: Select all
\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{chapter}{Appendix:}{}}\chapter{Nomenclature}\chapter{Recalibration of the rotameter}The experiment was performed under conditions of $21\,^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ and approximately 0.8 atm and the chart providedwas calibrated to different conditions of $15\,^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ and 1 atm. Hence this chart needed to be recalibrated tosuit the conditions of the experiment.\end{document}