Graphics, Figures & TablesCaptions on another Page

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Captions on another Page

Post by christina_t »


I am trying to find a way to put all the figure captions in a separate page, and keep only the figure number below the figures. Would that be possible?

many thanks in advance


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Captions on another Page

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

No, but you can fake it like so:

Code: Select all

% captions
  \caption{Caption for my figure.}
  \caption{Caption for the figure.}
% now the figures themselves, which could be before or after this
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Re: Captions on another Page

Post by christina_t »

Many thanks for this, but unfortunately I wanted something more automatic... I have more than 500 figures in my book and cannot do that manually.
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Captions on another Page

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

Hmm. I cannot think of a reason one would want to put the caption on a different page than the figure itself appears, other than submitting a journal article in which they intend to professionally typeset the figures later and thus want the captions and figures at the end (and separate).

There is a (perhaps not 100% matured) package called fltpage that may do what you intend, somehow. However, there is not really any standard way of putting the figures and the captions on separate pages---they are linked, via the floating environment {figure}, for a reason.
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Re: Captions on another Page

Post by christina_t »

Hi and thanks for the reply. The reason I want to have them separated is that the figures are small, and the caption long, since I have to add a copyright line for every single image. I found a way to do that, even though it's not exactly 100% what I wanted to do with \caption[text]{} so that it puts the complete caption in the List of figures. If anyone has other ideas of how to do that in a more elaborate way, I would be most grateful

many thanks again
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