Text Formattingamsthm | Theorem Counter Problem with Subsection

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amsthm | Theorem Counter Problem with Subsection

Post by bkarpuz »

Dear LC members,

See my problem below.
I guess the last theorem should have the label Theorem 2.0.1 but it is not. How can I fix it?

Code: Select all



{\Large Why not 2.0.1?}
I also have another question.
Is it possible to enumerate theorems as Theorem 1.1.1, Theorem 1.1.2 and so on in subsubsections but as Theorem 2.1 in section?

Thank you.

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amsthm | Theorem Counter Problem with Subsection

Post by justdeath »

Because you have to reset the counter: \setcounter{theorem}{0}.

Code: Select all



{\Large Why not 2.0.1?}

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amsthm | Theorem Counter Problem with Subsection

Post by bkarpuz »

justdeath wrote:Because you have to reset the counter: \setcounter{theorem}{0}.

Code: Select all



{\Large Why not 2.0.1?}

Thank you Nikolay for your answer.

I know it works when I reset it manually but it seems to be a problem of the package. I was asking for a general solution, which could be introduced in the preambles.

Thank you.
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amsthm | Theorem Counter Problem with Subsection

Post by justdeath »

Nope, not possible. Because the counter depends on subsections, meaining sections have no effect on it.

You can use this:

Code: Select all

but it will not honour subsections.

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