MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and Acronymsmultind | Indexed Words removed from Text

Information and discussion about MakeIndex - the tool to generate subject indices for LaTeX documents.
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bartomeu vallori
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multind | Indexed Words removed from Text

Post by bartomeu vallori »

I am trying to create indexes with the multind package. When I build the document (after running makeindex <index file>), the indexed words are missing in the .pdf. I have tried to build several times but the words do not appear.

Here is my code:

Code: Select all


Ara us vull parlar del llibre \index{books}{Pesat}, publicat a \index{cities}{Beijing}. També m'agradaria parlar del llibre \index{books}{Un poco estrany}, publicat a la ciutat d'\index{cities}{Ipanema}. De tota manera, el millor de tots és \index{books}{The Jungle Book}, probablement publicat a \index{cities}{London}.

\printindex{books}{Títols de llibres}
\printindex{cities}{Llocs de publicació}

Any ideas on how to solve that?
Thank you in advance,
Bartomeu Vallori

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multind | Indexed Words removed from Text

Post by justdeath »

Noone reads the documentation these days, is it easier to write a forum post than a google search?

Indexing is done like this:

Code: Select all

Ara us vull parlar del llibre Pesat\index{books}{Pesat}
You have to repeat the word you want to index, the things in brackets vanish from the output.

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multind | Indexed Words removed from Text

Post by hsmyers »

Since the raw method of using \index is a PIA, I usually create something like:

Code: Select all

then it's a simple matter of \Index{text to index} which will duplicate the text in place and pass it to the index mechanism. Luck! :)
Of patience there is this to be said. To be patient is to suffer. By their fruits men know one another, but by their sufferings they are what they are. ---Eric Gill 'An Essay on Typography'
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